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Jumat, 21 November 2008

Seafood is any sea animal or seaweed that is served as food, or is suitable for eating, particularly saltwater animals, such as fish and shellfish (including mollusks and crustaceans).

By extension, in Indonesia although not generally in the South of Korea, the term seafood is also applied to similar edible animals from fresh water, such as snails used to make escargot.

Edible seaweeds are also seafood, and are widely eaten around the world. See the category of sea vegetables.

The harvesting of seafood is known as fishing and the cultivation of seafood is known as aquaculture, mariculture, or in the case of fish, fish farming.

Seafood is an important source of protein in many diets around the world, especially in coastal areas.

This article is about the food. For the album by Fish, see Bouillabaisse (album).

An authentic bouillabaisse from Marseille.

Bouillabaisse is a fish stock containing different kinds of cooked fish and shellfish and vegetables, flavored with a variety of herbs and spices such as garlic, orange peel, basil, bay leaf, fennel and saffron. There are at least three kinds of fish in a traditional bouillabaisse, typically scorpionfish , sea robin and European conger,and it can also include gilt-head bream,turbot, monkfish,mullet,or silver hake. It also usually includes shellfish and other seafood such as sea urchins, mussels,small crabs,spider crab, or octopus. More expensive versions may add langoustine. Vegetables such as leeks, onions, tomatoes, celery and potatoes are boiled together with the broth and served with the fish. The broth is traditionally served with a rouille, a mayonnaise made of olive oil, garlic, saffron and cayenne pepper on grilled slices of bread. In Marseille, the broth is served first in a bowl containing the bread and rouille, with the seafood and vegetables served seni adalah salah satu resep yang paling tradisional Marseille restoran, bar Grand Goudes di Rue des Désirée-Pelleprat.

4 kilograms of fish and shellfish:

  • grondin (eng. sea robin)
  • Rascasse blanche
  • rouget grondin
  • congre
  • baudroie (lotte, or monkfish);
  • saint-pierre
  • live octopus
  • 10 sea urchins
  • 1 kilogram of potatoes
  • 7 cloves of garlic
  • 3 onions
  • 5 ripe tomatoes
  • 1 cup of olive oil
  • 1 bouquet garni
  • 1 branch of fennel
  • 8 pistils of saffron
  • 10 slices of pain de campagne (country bread)
  • salt and Cayenne pepper

The Rouille

  • 1 egg yolk
  • 2 cloves of garlic
  • 1 cup of olive oil
  • 10 pistils of saffron
  • salt and Cayenne pepper

1. Clean and scale the fish and wash them, if possible in sea water. Cut them into large slices, leaving the bones. Wash the octopus and cut into pieces.

2. Put the olive oil in a large casserole. Add the onions, cleaned and sliced; 6 cloves of garlic, crushed; the pieces of octopus, and the tomatoes peeled and quartered, without seeds. Brown at low heat, turning gently for five minutes, for the oil to take in the flavors.

3. Add the sliced fish, beginning with the thickest to the smallest. Cover with boiling water, and add the salt and the pepper, the fennel, the bouquet garni and the saffron. Boil at a low heat, stirring from time to time so the fish doesn't stick to the casserole. Correct the seasoning. The bouillabaise is cooked when the juice of the cooking is well blended with the oil and the water. (about twenty minutes).

4. Prepare the rouille: Remove the stem of the garlic, crush the cloves into a fine paste in a mortar. Add the egg yolk and the saffron, then blend in the olive oil little by little to make a mayonnaise, stirring it with the pounder of the mortar.

5. Cook the potatoes, peeled and boiled and cut into large slices, in salted water for 15 to 20 minutes. Open the sea urchins with a pair of scissors and remove the Corail with a small spoon.

6. Arrange the fish on a platter. Add the corail of the sea urchins into the broth and stir.

Serve the bouillon very hot with the rouille in bowls over thick slices of bread rubbed with garlic. Then serve the fish and the potatoes on a separate platter.

Another version of the classic Marseille bouillabaisse, presented in the Petit LaRousse de la Cuisine, uses congre, dorade, grondin, lotte, merlan, rascasse, saint-pierre, and small crabs (etrilles), and includes leeks. In this version, the heads and trimmings of the fish are put together with onions, celery and garlic browned in olive oil, and covered with boiling water for twenty minutes. Then the vegetables and bouquet garni are added, and then the pieces of fish in a specific order; first the rascasse, then the grondin, the lotte, congre, dorade, etrilles, and saffran. The dish is cooked for eight minutes over high heat. Then the most delicate fish, the saint pierre and merlan, are added, and the dish is cooked another 5-8 minutes. The broth is then served over bread with the rouille on top, and the fish and crabs are served on a large platter.

Other variations add different seasonings, such as orange peel, and sometimes a cup of white wine or cognac is added.

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