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Ethnic variations Crab

Selasa, 03 Maret 2009

4 tails crab, clean, part 2
1 Spoon maizena, mix with a little water
250 ml water
3 spoon oil for frizzle
fine spices:
15 piece chili ringleted red
8 piece red onion
6 piece garlic
1 spoon tea salt

other ingredients:

4 spoon ginger, chopped
1 spoon oyster sauce
6 cloves garlic
1 spoon tea meroca powder
1 spoon sugar

how to cook:

1. Frizzle smooth flavor with ginger until fragrant.
add water and other flavour, leave to boil
2. I already enter the crab pieces and mixer.
3. cook simmer until cooked crab meat and spices permeate. Taste

it, I have

add to less to appropriate taste.
4. enter the final solution while tpg maizena d poke until sauce

curdle, lift.
5. To serve crab sauce is on the warm condition


The crab sauce

Rabu, 04 Februari 2009

* 3 @ ekor 300 gr. crabs fresh / live
* Vegetable oil
* 3 tbsp vegetable oil
* 6 grains of red onion, finely chopped
* 2 cloves garlic, finely chopped
* 1 cm ginger, finely chopped
* 4 tbsp spicy chili sauce bottles
* 1 tsp red chilli Giling
* 2 tbsp tomato sauce bottles
* ½ tsp pepper powder
* 1 tsp salt 75 ml water

How to cook:
1. Turn off the crabs, wash clean. Remove the legs, memarkan capitnya.
2. Crab fried in hot oil until cooked and dry. Lift and tiriskan.
3. Seasoning: Heat oil, tumis onion and garlic until fragrant and faded.
4th Add ginger, chili sauce, chili Giling, tomato sauce, pepper, salt, and water.
5. Mix until boiling.
6. Enter fried crab, poke to the average. Cook until the spices permeate


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